7. выберите правильный вариант: 1. i … a student of the … course. a) is … one b) am … one’s c) am … first 2. he … at the theatre now. a) is b) am c) are 3. where … she from? a) does b) is c) are 8. задайте все виды вопросов: my friend is at the lecture. my parents are in the shop now. 9. напишите числа: 637; 666. 10. ответьте на вопросы: 1) how many fingers do you have? 2) how many days are there in a year? 11. напишите словами следующие даты: 5 october 1432; 23 september 1951; 4. напишите требуемый глагол в предложениях: 1) they no room. 2) we pens and pencils on the table. 3) bob a small box. 4) ann good books 5) bob and ann good students. 6) you english book. 7) he not a teacher. 8) he car.

Hhhhhhhhelppppp Hhhhhhhhelppppp    1   27.05.2019 14:30    1

BTSExo1 BTSExo1  24.06.2020 15:46
1) c 2) a 3) b 
8-My friend ia at the lecture.Who is at the lecture? where is my friend?
My parents are in the shop now.Who is in the shop? Where are my parents now?
637-six hundred and thirty-seven
666-six hundred and sixty-six
 I have 10 fingers
There are 365 days in a year
The fifth of October of one thousand four hundred and thirty-two
The twenty-three September of one thousand nine hundred and fifty-one
напишите глаголы, я вам напишу,хотя там глаголы  have , are is правильно,
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