7. study the expression, explain it. find out sentences
from the chapter in which this expression is used.
make up your own sentences according to the pat-
to make somebody do something
pattern: he / we / listen to his story from the be-
ginning to the end
he made us listen to his story from the
beginning to the end.
1) black dog / jim obey
2) captain / everyone / listen to his wicked stories
3) he / they / join in the chorus
4) mother / he / try the coat on
5) black dog / jim / go and leave the door open
6) the parents, their daughter / study well
7) the doctor / the child / take some medicine
8) tom / his friends / laugh
9) mrs. clay / she read the novel
10) he / they / believe him
11) he/she / buy all the books he wanted​

ivanovartem02 ivanovartem02    3   04.10.2019 20:26    21

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