7. make the sentences complete using present perfect or present progressive of the verbs in the brackets 1-thank you. i (read) your book. you can have it back. 2-nelly, how long you (read) "robin hood" ? 3-my elder sister (cook) the pie since 10 and it is not ready yet. 4-i (make) already the pie. have you set the table, dear ? 5-why are your hands dirty ? -i (work) in the gar den. i (make) two flowerbeds. 6-i never (be) to italy, but i always (want) to be there. 7-oh, look ! she (drink) the whole bottle of milk. 8-jack and jonn (play) tennis for an hourand a halfand they (play) three games. 9-i am tired. i (wash) the dishes for the whole evening. i am sorry, i (break) one plate. 10-nick is working on his computer. he (work) since 9. but i (work,not) on it in my life.

adaman2006 adaman2006    1   13.07.2019 21:40    6

Илья55555555 Илья55555555  31.07.2020 13:12
1-Thank you. I (have read) your book. You can have it back.
2-Nelly, how long have you (been reading) "Robin Hood" ?
3-My elder sister (has been cooking) the pie since 10 and it is not ready yet.
4-I (have) already made the pie. Have you set the table, dear ?
5-Why are your hands dirty ? -I (have been working) in the gar den. I (have made) two flowerbeds.
6-I have never (been) to Italy, but I have always (wanted) to be there.
7-Oh, look ! She (has drunk) the whole bottle of milk.
8-Jack and Jonn (have been playing) tennis for an hour and a half and they (have played) three games.
9-I am tired. I (have been washing) the dishes for the whole evening. I am sorry, I (have broken) one plate.
10-Nick is working on his computer. He (has been working) since 9. But I (have not worked) on it in my life. 
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