7 класс тест английский Passive Поставить предложения в пассивный залог

Make the sentences passive:
1. The cleaner cleans the office every day
2. They don't send emails.
3.Does she cut the grass?
4. My friend prefers chocolate.
5. He often steals cars.
6. My brothers play loud music.
7. My mother speaks English.
8. My uncle loves the London parks.
9. The company wants staff.
10. Journalists write articles.
11.Peter loves Julie.
12.My sister doesn't read a lot of books.
13. My mother doesn't cook dinner every day.
14. Milkman delivers milk in the mornings.
15. They don't buy flowers for the flat
16.My neighbours don't wash the car every week.
17. The policeman writes a report every Friday.
18. They don't fix the roads in our country.
19. Our friends don't build new houses every year.
20. The famer sells vegetables in the market.​

Barsvtk Barsvtk    3   01.02.2021 17:29    17

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