7 класс. Контрольная работа. 1 вариант. 1.Choose the right form to complete the sentences

Last year I bought six (pairs / pieces) of beautiful Christmas socks.

(This /These) trousers (is/are) too short for me.

Please (say / tell) the truth, I want to know everything.

Are you proud (to / of/ about) your school?

Never talk (into / over / back) to me again!

If you (come / will come) tomorrow, you (see / will see) Jane.

Our classes are (of / back / over). We can go home.

It (happen / happened) two years ago.

2.Complete the sentences with the derivatives of the words

I don't know much about (educate)in England.

She is a very (beauty)girl.

We (usual)___go to bed early.

They have an (exam)___at the end of the term.

The sun was shining in the(cloud)___sky.

We are writing a (dictate)___tomorrow.

Theirs was a (child)___family

They decide not to go to the (meet)___

3. Complete the sentences. Use Present Perfect

Mum (not, give) my lunch yet. -
We (finish) our project. -
You (read) the text? -
They (write) Test Five. -

4. Form questions and negations.

1) She has already seen the new film.

2) We have taken so many pictures of Central Park.

5. Вставьте such (a / an)

They werebeautiful earrings that I decided I had to get them.

They are___noisy neighbours that we can't sleep at night.

They had___wonderful holiday in Italy.

It was___waste of time!

That had___strong effect on me!

goijggv goijggv    1   02.12.2020 21:47    107

EvilMorty EvilMorty  22.12.2023 10:15
1. Choose the right form to complete the sentences

a) Last year I bought six pairs of beautiful Christmas socks.
Explanation: Pairs is the correct form as socks are usually sold in pairs.

b) These trousers are too short for me.
Explanation: These is the correct form as it refers to something near or close to the speaker.

c) Please tell the truth, I want to know everything.
Explanation: Tell is the correct form as it is used to inform or give information.

d) Are you proud of your school?
Explanation: Of is the correct form as it shows possession or belonging.

e) Never talk back to me again!
Explanation: Back is the correct form as it means to answer rudely or disrespectfully.

f) If you come tomorrow, you will see Jane.
Explanation: Come and will see are the correct forms. The first verb is in the present simple and the second is in the future simple.

g) Our classes are over. We can go home.
Explanation: Over is the correct form as it means finished or completed.

h) It happened two years ago.
Explanation: Happened is the correct form of the verb happen in the past tense.

2. Complete the sentences with the derivatives of the words

a) I don't know much about education in England.
Explanation: Education is the noun form of educate.

b) She is a very beautiful girl.
Explanation: Beautiful is the adjective form of beauty.

c) We usually go to bed early.
Explanation: Usually is the adverb form of usual.

d) They have an examination at the end of the term.
Explanation: Examination is the noun form of exam.

e) The sun was shining in the cloudy sky.
Explanation: Cloudy is the adjective form of cloud.

f) We are writing a dictation tomorrow.
Explanation: Dictation is the noun form of dictate.

g) Theirs was a childless family.
Explanation: Childless is the adjective form of child.

h) They decide not to go to the meeting.
Explanation: Meeting is the noun form of meet.

3. Complete the sentences. Use Present Perfect

a) Mum has not given my lunch yet. -
Explanation: Present Perfect is used to talk about an action that started in the past and is still relevant in the present.

b) We have finished our project. -
Explanation: Present Perfect is used to talk about a completed action in the past with a connection to the present.

c) Have you read the text? -
Explanation: Present Perfect is used to ask about a completed action with a connection to the present.

d) They have written Test Five. -
Explanation: Present Perfect is used to talk about a completed action in the past with a connection to the present.

4. Form questions and negations.

a) Has she not seen the new film?
Explanation: To form a negative sentence, "not" is placed after the auxiliary verb "has" in Present Perfect.

b) Have we not taken many pictures of Central Park?
Explanation: To form a negative sentence, "not" is placed after the auxiliary verb "have" in Present Perfect.

5. Вставьте such (a / an)

a) They were such beautiful earrings that I decided I had to get them.
Explanation: Such is used before an adjective to emphasize the quality or degree.

b) They are such noisy neighbors that we can't sleep at night.
Explanation: Such is used before an adjective to emphasize the quality or degree.

c) They had such a wonderful holiday in Italy.
Explanation: Such is used before an adjective to emphasize the quality or degree.

d) It was such a waste of time!
Explanation: Such is used before an adjective to emphasize the quality or degree.

e) That had such a strong effect on me!
Explanation: Such is used before an adjective to emphasize the quality or degree.
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