7. fill in the gaps in the following sentences with a suitable part of the body. use the words in the box. tooth eye hands tongue lip a. he retired last year and he has lots of time on now b. you are so noisy. button your с. i've got a terribly sweet i love sweets and chocolates. d. what's his name? oh, i can't remember, it's the tip of on e. when i was young my father used to that was the apple say of his listen and check your answers.

fatimo4kkkka fatimo4kkkka    1   06.09.2019 20:50    0

poster1312 poster1312  06.10.2020 21:48
A. He retired last year and he has lots of time on his hands now.
b. You are so noisy. Button your lip.
с. I've got a terribly sweet tooth. I love sweets and chocolates.
d. What's his name? Oh, I can't remember, it's on the tip of my tongue.
e. When I was young my father used to say that I was the apple of his eye.
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