7 Fill in: is, was or has. Then, ask and
answer questions based on the text.
Yellowstone National Park 1) located in
Wyoming, United States. It 2) known for
being the first national park in the USA. It
3) established in 1872 by President Ulysses
S. Grant. It 4) filled with amazing wildlife
and beautiful landscapes. In 1988, one third of the
park 5) burnt in forest fires. The wildlife
there 6) been studied for over 100 years. It
visited by millions of tourists every year.

Dover1488 Dover1488    1   11.02.2021 08:08    1

hellohelloschool hellohelloschool  13.03.2021 08:09


1 is

2 is

3 was

4 was

5 was

6 has

7 is

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