7. … bread do we have at home? a) how much b) how many c) how d) how long 8. where are you going, alice? – i am going … school. a) at b) to c) on d) off 9. yesterday i was … home the whole day. a) at b) on c) to d) – 10. usually i go to school … foot. a) by b) of c) off d) on 11. my granny is ill and i take care … her. a) of b) off c) on d) with

Dasha12541 Dasha12541    2   28.06.2019 20:50    0

милкаshow милкаshow  22.07.2020 22:22
7. … bread do we have at home?
A) How much 
8. Where are you going, Alice? – I am going … school.
B) to 
9. Yesterday I was … home the whole day.
A) at 
10. Usually I go to school … foot.
D) on
11. My Granny is ill and I take care … her.
A) of 
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