7. a)Read what Aigul says about the weather in Kyrgyzstan. Complete the gaps. Use the words from the box. hot cold rains dry wet cloudy Sumy storms foggy snowy
“The weather in Kyrgyzstan is (1) sunny most of the year. In Kyrgyzstan we have (2) summers and (3) winters. Spring in Kyrgyzstan is short. It sometimes starts in late February and in May it becomes hot. It doesn't often rain in Kyrgyzstan in summer. The weather is usually (4) but March, April, October and November are sometimes very (5). There are a lot of mountains in Kyrgyzstan. The mountain climate is colder than in other parts of the country. It's often (6) there. West winds usually bring heavy (7) (8) and snow. Winter in the south of Kyrgyzstan is warm but the northern parts of the country have a very cold winter. The weather here is (9) wet and (10)

01mrfrost10p0cb3m 01mrfrost10p0cb3m    3   11.02.2022 00:51    4

АНДрЕЙ12277777 АНДрЕЙ12277777  11.02.2022 01:00

2hot 3cold 4 dry 5wet

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