7-9 класса № 2 поставьте правильный глагол could, is going, didn’t walk, would, began, is playing, are, have been, will travel, haven’t finished 11) they … never … to london. 12) i think he … to watch tv. 13) … you like some apple juice? 14) they … not rich enough to buy a new house. 15) the boy … the guitar now. 16) my parent … by plane next week. 17) … you help me, please? 18) we … this exercise now. 19) i … school when i was six years old. 20) they … to school yesterday. № 3 раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в present perfect или past simple. 1. не never (to be) in germany. 2. he (not to answer) my letter. 3. my mother (to go) to the country a month ago. 4. his brother not (to go) to school yesterday. 5. where you (to be) last night? 6. you (to receive) a letter from your father this week? 7.i (to see) ann on wednesday. 8. my mother just (to go) out. 9. she never (to read) this book. 10.i (not to come) to you yesterday because i (to be) very busy. 11. when you (to write) a letter to your friend? — i (to write) a letter to him this week. 12. how many books you (to read) this week? 13. i (to be) at the theatre five or six times last month. 14. i (to reply) to his letter today. 15. they (to lose) their way. 16. i (to speak) to him about it over and over again. 17. i (to speak) to him about it yesterday. 18. he (to be) in vienna several times.

ЮкиТеру ЮкиТеру    1   18.04.2019 20:02    1

skatinyatovna skatinyatovna  07.06.2020 23:13

Задание 2

11 have ... been

12 is going

13 Would

14 are

15 is playing

16 will travel

17 Could

18 haven't finished

19 began

20 didn't walk


извиняй, лень писать задание 3

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