7-10 предложений о любом (любимом) фильме. 1.название. 2.известные актеры. 3.жанр. 4.страна. и тд

kshig kshig    2   07.03.2019 13:00    7

катюшка309 катюшка309  24.05.2020 02:55

Once i saw an interesting film. it was ... . In the film there were a lot of famous actors. For example ... . I like to see fantastic films. The movie was filmed in America. This film was very exciting and i want to see this film again.

teterev2003 teterev2003  24.05.2020 02:55

 One day I saw very interesting film. It was Titanic by Cameron. There were many good actors: Leonardo Di Caprio, Kate Winslet, Gloria Stuart. It`s disaster film. It`s about a real disaster. But it`s also about love. This film was made in USA. I liked this film and I want to watch it again.   

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