7.08 7.R1 Look at the phrases below. How do you think they
are related to the text? Listen and read to find out.
• healthy lifestyle • improve physical fitness improve concentration
• stay fit . improve strength and balance improve self-esteem
• teach discipline and respect for others​

7.08 7.R1 Look at the phrases below. How do you think theyare related to the text? Listen and read t

sashapeterov85 sashapeterov85    2   20.09.2020 04:59    11

ЛинкаСимка ЛинкаСимка  20.10.2020 05:00

ответ: вот это правильно

7.08 7.R1 Look at the phrases below. How do you think theyare related to the text? Listen and read t
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