6th Grade TERM 4

The 26th of April.
Summative Assessment for the Unit 8 “Our neighbourhood”.
Variant II
1Write sentences. Use the affirmative or negative form of There is / are. (5 marks)
1 (only one river )
2 (two car parks )
3 (a supermarket )
4 (loads of cafés )
5 (a sports centre )

2 Choose the correct words. (5 marks)
1 The city is very quiet / clean / noisy at 4 a.m. There aren’t many cars or people!
2 This part of the city is very dirty / pretty / clean and ugly. I don’t like it.
3 The people in my town are safe / noisy / unfriendly. No one says ‘hello’ or smiles.
4 This part of the city is very old / safe / dangerous. I never feel scared here.
5 This is a very noisy / pretty / modern village. It’s beautiful!

3 Complete the sentences. Use the comparative form of the adjectives and than.
(5 marks)
1 The café is the restaurant. (friendly)
2 The beach is the city centre. (beautiful)
3 French homework is English homework. (difficult)
4 Australia is Canada. (hot)
5 Books are TV programmes. (interesting)

Total 15 marks

grimangus grimangus    2   26.04.2021 11:01    0

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