6read the expressions. which of these things are advantages and which of them are disadvantages in a restaurant? translate the expressions and use a dictionary if necessary.long lines, new york atmosphere, big portions, delicious food, you share the table with strangers, you can't share your portion with friends, free pickled cucumbers, not enough seats, quick service, homemade soups, when you finish your food you have to leave quickly, fresh food, international food, high prices, huge sandwiches

Kostya2347 Kostya2347    1   12.06.2019 14:50    1

leonidbobnev leonidbobnev  10.07.2020 01:35
Long lines - длинные очереди (disadvantage)
New York atmosphere - атмосфера Нью-Йорка (advantage)
big portions - большие порции (advantage)
delicious food - вкусная еда (advantage)
you share a table with strangers - ты делишь столик с незнакомцами (disadvantage)
you can't share you portion with friends - ты не можешь поделиться своей порцией с друзьями (disadvantage)
free pickled cucumbers - бесплатные маринованные огурчики (advantage)
not enough seats - недостаточно мест (disadvantage)
quick service - быстрое обслуживание (advantage)
homemade soups - домашний суп (advantage)
when you finish your food you have to live quickly - когда ты заканчиваешь кушать, ты должен быстро уйти (disadvantage)
fresh food - свежая еда (advantage)
international food - интернациональная (многонациональная) еда (advantage)
high prices - высокие цены (disadvantage)
huge sandwiches - огромные сандвичи (advantage)
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