6класс. : задать вопросы к предложениям: he stays in a mountain cabion near the ski school. (обязательно или do или does должно быть.) they live in a big house becouse they need lots of rooms. they sleep in a tent when they are on holiday. she rents a flat because she works in the city centre. the coopers live in a cottage because they love the quiet countre life.(обязательно или do или does должно быть в каждом предложении! ) огромное кто !

Сникерс11 Сникерс11    2   04.06.2019 20:30    0

Kattemrrr Kattemrrr  05.07.2020 16:25
Does he stay in a mountain cabion near the ski school?
Do they live in a big house because they need lot of rooms?
Do they sleep in a tent when they are on holiday?
Does she rents a flat because she work in the city centre?
Do the coopers live in a cottage because they lve the quiet countre life?
Rimma1223 Rimma1223  05.07.2020 16:25
Does he stay in a mountain cabion near the ski school? Do they live in a big house? Do they sleep in a tent when they are on holiday? Does she rent a flat? Do the Coopers live in a cottage?

cabion - что это за слово, его нет в словаре?
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