6complete the sentences with first, second or third conditionals. 1 i learnt a lot at university. but graduate) if my help) me financially. 2 don't panic! if we ) now, get) there on time. 3 i doubt i'll get that job and perhaps it's a good thing, too. if ) the job, to) move to london. 4 our day out has been a complete disaster. if ) it was going to be so horrible, at home 5 i don't know why you always listen to loud music when you're revising. if you ), ) more. 6 it's your own fault that you failed. if play) computer games all night, )

MadalinaT MadalinaT    2   02.07.2019 07:50    1

ученик2класс1 ученик2класс1  02.10.2020 18:13
Won't be graduated,don't;leave,will still get;get,will have to;knew,stayed at home;concentrate,will remember;don't,will pass
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