63. put in the past perfect simple or progressive or the past simple. give alternatives where possible. cooking the books? old mr williams was very concerned. he and his wife were pensioners and he (spend) the whole morning looking for the pension books. he (look) everywhere, but he (not be able) to find them. meanwhile his wife (be) busy. she (cook) all morning. she (prepare) a delicious meal. she (make) soup, followed by a lovely pie, which she (bake) in the oven. mr williams (always enjoy) his food, but he clearly wasn't enjoying his lunch. "what's the matter, tom? " his wife asked. mr williams (have to) confess that he (lose) their pension books. "i know", mrs williams (say) with a twinkle in her eye. "i've got them". "you've got them? " "yes — and guess where i (find) them! " mr williams suddenly remembered. "in the oven! i (put) them there for safe-keeping." he (smile) with relief as she (fish) them out of her apron pocket!

yan4enkomaks yan4enkomaks    1   20.09.2019 04:10    10

3pirat122 3pirat122  21.08.2020 12:19
1) had spent
2) had been looking
3) wasb’t Able to find
4) had been
5) had been cooking
6) had been preparing
8)had baked
9)had always enjoyed
10)had to
11)had lost
13)had found
14) had put
15) smiled
16) Fished
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