6.заполните пропуски глаголами в the past simple tense. a) i … this tale two days ago. (read) b) i … the pet last week. (buy) c) peter … a bad mark yesterday. (get) d) the child … a new toy. (want) e) i … to the bolshoi theatre a month ago. (go) f) mary … for london yesterday. (leave) g) my parents … a house last month. (buy) i) nick … me the book yesterday. (give) j) she … my cup yesterday. (break) k) peter … us on monday. (see)

Даниад Даниад    2   31.08.2019 17:10    1

nobos9n nobos9n  06.10.2020 08:09
I read this tale two days ago
I bought the pet last week
Peter got a bad mark yesterday
The child wanted a new toy
I wen to the Bolshoi Theater a month ago
Mary left for London yesterday
My parents bought a house last month
Nick gave me the book yesterday
She broke my cup yesterday
Peter saw us on Monday
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