6 Write about a visit to a nature reserve, a zoo, a museum or a gallery in your country. НАПИШИТЕ ЭССЕ НА ЭТУ ТЕМУ НАДО!!​

ealembi5 ealembi5    1   18.03.2021 18:59    0

незнайка1162 незнайка1162  18.03.2021 19:00

Last week my parents and I visited an art gallery. It was a good idea as the parents really liked it, I was a little bored, but it is so beautiful that it would be a sin not to visit. There were different paintings that are very expensive. And there were amazing design pictures that were very beautiful. this gallery was located in my city. I think if you are a creative person you should visit this gallery too, it was amazing. я написала на тему gallery

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