6. вставьтеsomething, anything, nothing, everything. (6-11) 1. give me … to read, please. 2. … is all right, the patient is much better today. 3. is there … interesting in the program of the concert? 4. i could see …: it was quite dark. 5. give me … to drink. 6. i didn’t take money with me, so i could buy … . 7. my new eyeglasses are very good, so i can see … now. 8. i don’t know … about your town. tell me … about it. 9. i understand … now. thank you for your explanation. 10. is there … that you want to tell me? 11. where is the book? – it is on the table. – no, there is … there.

ударник4г ударник4г    1   08.09.2019 19:30    2

Picmout Picmout  07.10.2020 01:32
1. something, 2. everything, 3. anything, 4. nothing, 5. something, 6. nothing, 7. everything, 8. anything, something, 9. everything, 10. anything, 11. nothing
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