6. The British children asked us more questions. Read the answers and guess what the questions were. 1. The ecological situation in Russia is not very safe. The pollution in some industrial towns is high. Some parts of western Russia were badly in is in environment is extremely important. Ecological education has found its way danger. Anyhow, more and more people are beginning to realize that a clean into schools. We all hope that the situation will soon become better. 2. Perhaps the greatest love of Russians is for tea. It's drunk without milk and is often served with homemade va renye (jam), baranki (circles of dry pastry') and pirozhki (baked pastry with some filling). Russian-style tea is a special ceremony when people sit around a table with a samovar

6. The British children asked us more questions. Read the answers and guess what the questions were.

RedBalloon RedBalloon    3   05.09.2021 18:23    107

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