6. Saule has lived here 1999.
a) for
b) since
c) as
7. Be careful or you
a) will fall
) b) are going to fall
c) are falling
8. I'm fed up!
making that noise?
a) Are you stopping
b) Will you stop
c) Are you going to stop
9. The Golden Globe awards ceremony
last week.
a) held
b) is held
c) was held
10. The old Globe Theatre
by a fire in 1613.
a) destroyed
b) is destroyed
c) was destroyed
11. Taekwondo helps
strength and balance.
a) use
b) improve
c) achieve
12. Mobile phones and Internet help people
with each other easily.
a) communicate
b) greet
c) carry
13. My sister and I
the Net every day.
a) dive
b) surf
c) swim
14. Please
off your shoes before you come inside.
a) take
b) eat
c) talk

HaskyZ0nG HaskyZ0nG    1   07.09.2021 13:26    2

TRIPLEN TRIPLEN  07.09.2021 13:30

6. Saule has lived here since 1999.  (b)

7. Be careful or you will fall.  (a)

8. I'm fed up! Will you stop making that noise?  (b)

9. The Golden Globe awards ceremony was held last week.  (c)

10. The old Globe Theatre was destroyed by a fire in 1913.  (c)

11. Taekwondo helps achieve strength and balance.  (c)

12. Mobile phones and Internet help people communicate with each other easily.  (a)

13. My sister and I surf the Net every day.  (b)

14. Please take off your shoes before you come inside.  (a)

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