6) Поєднайте слова з колонки A з їх визначенням з колонки B:

Column A Column B

1. demand a. Money value of a good or service.
2. supply
3. the Law of

b. The curve on a graph that shows the relationship
between the quantity demanded for a good and its

4. consumer c. Good or service whose consumption is seen as
essential in order to maintain a minimum standard of
living in a society.

5. price d. Explains how much a change in price affects the

quantity demanded.

6. demand curve
7. supply curve

e. A consumer’s willingness and ability to buy a
product or service at a particular time and place.

8. demand

f. Anyone who uses goods or services.

9. purchasing

g. The value of a unit of money measured in terms of
what it can buy.

10. necessity

h. All else being equal, more items will be sold at a
lower price than at a higher price.
i. The amount of a commodity or service offered for
sale at a given price.
j. The diagrammatic illustration of the relationship
between the price of the good and the quantity that
producers will supply at that price.

deaflora deaflora    1   11.05.2020 10:57    1

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