6. Образуйте время Present Continuous. Запиши предложение полностью.
a) He …………..a newspaper now. (read)
b) They ……………….flowers in the garden.(plant)
c) I ……………..to music at the moment. (listen)

7. Напиши can или can’t:
a) …… I listen to some music? No, you ….. Dad is sleeping.
b) Excuse me, you …. smoke in here.
c) You ….. hire jet skis from the hotel.
d) We ….. take the bus to the beach. There is one every hour.

Malay070802 Malay070802    1   26.05.2020 11:17    2

Nikbooc Nikbooc  15.10.2020 09:01

А. Is reading

B. Are planting

C. Am listening


A. Can, can’t

B. Can’t

C. Can

D. Can

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