(6 класс) составить диалог на о потере (digital camera nikon coolpix775) опишите случай о потери камеры в бюро находок. небольшой диалог. к примеру mr sanders: excuse me/ is this the lost property office?
- Hello, is this Lost and Found office missing? - Yes. Hello, I lost my camera (название камеры) -Where did you see her last? - I got it at the airport. -Now. It seems we've found something. And what was your camera? - In a white bag. - There still something lay? -No -Then here. Is this yours? -Yes.Thank you.bye. -bye
- Yes. Hello, I lost my camera (название камеры)
-Where did you see her last?
- I got it at the airport.
-Now. It seems we've found something. And what was your camera?
- In a white bag.
- There still something lay?
-Then here. Is this yours?
-Yes.Thank you.bye.