6-7 предложений на языке как я провела выходные

sir125 sir125    2   19.07.2019 04:30    2

mightwood1337 mightwood1337  25.08.2020 10:39
1 вариант This vacation I spent zamechatelno.My with Mom and Dad went to the forest to ride lyzhah.Svetilo bright sun, glistening snow-white birch branches resembled snezhok.Golye kisti.Mne loved this pogulka lesu.Na for next weekend just go again in this awesome forest!
алишер126 алишер126  25.08.2020 10:39
At the weekend with her parents, we went to the park. There were rides and I ride on them. It was fun. Then we went on a narrow path somewhere in the wilderness. At the end of the road we saw a flock of birds sitting on a tree twig, and sang songs. We listened to this wonderful little song and go back. I wanted to eat a little and Dad bought me cotton candy. She was very sweet. In the park, we had a good time and return home. That's how I spent my weekend.
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