6.2 Reported statements and questions 1 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first.
0 ‘You need to rest’.

The doctor told me I needed to rest.
1 ‘I can’t eat anything because I feel sick.’
She said she anything because she sick.

2 ‘I’m going to the doctor so he can give me some medicine.’
She said she so he her some medicine.

3 ‘It was difficult to understand her because she didn’t speak much English.’
I told them that it to understand her because she much English.’

4 ‘I’ll see you when I get back from the doctor.’
He said he when he from the doctor.

5 ‘You won’t get better if you don’t take your tablets.’
She said I better if I tablets.

6 ‘I saw them yesterday but they didn’t see me.’
She said she but they .

7 ‘He has a headache and feels terrible.’
He told me that he terrible.

2 (Rewrite the questions in reported speech).

0 ‘What time do you finish?’ he asked.
He asked what time I finished.

1 ‘Where are you going?’ she asked.

2 ‘Can you get my prescription?’ Maria asked me.

3 ‘Do you have a headache?’ the nurse asked me.

4 ‘When are you going to have your operation?’ he asked.

5 Will you take the medicine if I give it to you?’ the doctor asked.

6 ‘Did you speak to the doctor today?’ my sister asked.

7 ‘Is you mother working at the hospital?’ he asked me.

8 ‘Are you waiting for the nurse?’ he asked me.

kanyakhin kanyakhin    1   13.02.2022 07:09    21

спрос3 спрос3  13.02.2022 07:10

типо как


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