5придложения с сравнением на .языке

djdkdksDkskd djdkdksDkskd    3   20.07.2019 19:00    0

89109301839 89109301839  22.09.2020 22:46
I am good, you are better
She is beautiful, but I am more beautiful
My house is big but her house is bigger
Her cat is noisy but my cat is noisier
We are young but our sister is younger
mrdilik mrdilik  22.09.2020 22:46
1-comic boors are funniyer than adventure books.                                         2-the weather today is worse than it was yesterday.                                      3-mike taller than me.                                                                                    4-sacriface holidays is one of the most enjoyble holidays.                            5-the book at the table is the least interesting one.
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