5предложений с: has to/doesn"t have to. составить предложения.

zeleninalina20 zeleninalina20    1   29.07.2019 08:30    0

АнгелокN1 АнгелокN1  03.10.2020 16:23
1.He has to get up at 7 o'clock on weekdays.
He doesn't have to get up early on Sundays.
2.He has to take his dog for a walk every day.
He doesn't have to do it today as his mother has already done it.
3. He has to help his sister with her homework as she is little.
He doesn't have to help his brother, as he manages to do everything himself.
4. She has to wash his car once a month.
She doesn't have to wash it now as it is not dirty.
5. She has to learn English.
She doesn't have to learn German.
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