5класс нужно поставить предложения в и настоящее время. 1. i can't follow your advice. 2. he can ask you some personal questions. 3. she can't relax. 4. can they move into a new flat? 5. we can't learn the rule.

SaviRay SaviRay    1   22.07.2019 11:40    1

alicegluskin alicegluskin  23.09.2020 16:18
В настоящем времени : перепишите свои первоначальные предложения.
в времени: 1) I could follow your advice
2) He could ask you some personal questions.
3) She couldnt relax.
4) Could they be moved to a new apartment.
5) We could not learn the rules.
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