5complete the text with the correct words (a–d). old friends every month, on a sunday, three young friends four of their neighbours over for lunch in their flat in london. so, is that unusual? well, the friends are only nineteen, and their neighbours are over seventy-five. the three friends belong to a group called contact the elderly, and they want to good in their community by making friends with old people who are often alone and afraid being lonely. ‘sure, we want to a difference to the lives of our elderly neighbours,’ says josh, one of the three friends. ‘we are worried about them sometimes, but we also enjoy their company. it’s fun to chat with them.’ josh it’s difficult to have elderly friends. ‘i’m proud having elderly people as my friends,’ he says. ‘they’re fun and very helpful. old people usually tell great stories. they also give good advice to help you get hard times. when you’re on holiday, they’re great neighbours and are always happy to water your plants or look after your dog.’ 1 a invite b invites c is inviting d are inviting 2 a a b - c the d an 3 a have b do c make d get 4 a of b at c on d from 5 a get b do c make d go 6 a isn’t thinking b don’t think c aren’t thinking d doesn’t think 7 a at b of c with d for 8 a away b out c with d through

artem874 artem874    3   13.09.2019 03:50    0

Kika228322 Kika228322  07.10.2020 11:04
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