51. Excuse me. Is there … post office near here?
A. A
B. The
C. An
D. –
E. At
52. We are having … lamb for lunch.
A. ---
B. The
C. A
D. An
E. Those
53. Would you like … cake?
A. -
B. A
C. An
D. the
E. any
54. Don’t worry about your letter. I--- it the day before yesterday.
A. Sended
B. have sent
C. Sent
D. have send
E. Send
55. When--- Jill---school?
A. had, finished
B. has, finished
C. did, finish
D. did, finished
E. have, finished
56. When I was a child, I--- always--- late for school.
A. have, been
B. Was
C. had, been
D. was, been
E. was, be
57. You are wrong. You had better--- again.
A. to try
B. trying
C. tried
D. try
E. was trying
58. There was nobody at home, ---?
A. was there
B. were they
C. weren’t they
D. wasn’t there
E. weren’t there
59. -Granny has lost her passport. - When--- she---it?
A. has, lost
B. had, lost
C. Lost
D. did, lose
E. did, lost
60. I saw you buying a bunch of roses this morning. ---?
A. Who did you buy it for?
B. Who bought you it?
C. Who did buy it for you?
D. Who did buy you it for?
E. Who was you buy it?
61. If I any help, Imy friend.
a) need, phone
b) '11 need, phone
c) ' ll need, '11 phone
d) need, '11 phone
62. more you exercise, fitter you become.
а) a, a
b) the, the
c) -, -
d) a, the
63. She to me for nearly a month.
a) hasn't written
b) didn't write
c) not write
d) wrote
64. I like living.
a) my own
b) by myself
c) myself
d) on me
65. Three days long enough for a good holiday.
a) are
b) not
c) isn't
d) are not
66.My sister tennis a lot but now she plays it three times a week.
a) didn't use to play
b) didn't use playing
c) used to play
d) didn't use to playing
67.Ken's brother is in prison, so Ken went to prison to visit him.
a) -,the
c) -, -
d) a, the
68. They must___. They have been working all day.
a) be tired
b) to be tired
c) tired
d) be tiring
69.You can't after having such a big meal.
a) hunger
b) be hungry
c) hungry
d) to be hungry
70. She must English with such a surname.
a) to be
b) be being
c) be
d) –

Yasha1221 Yasha1221    1   26.05.2020 18:08    6

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