51.1 Match the item with the shop. toy shop butcher's baker's gift shop chemist's newsagent's 5. 1 aspirin 3 sausages souvenir T-shirt 6 beach ball postcards bread 51.2 Where do you need to go? 1 I want to get a newspaper. The newsagent's. 2 Your hair is too long. 3 I need some stamps. 4 We must get Jim a present. 5 l'd like to buy a book, 6 I want to buy everything in one shop. 51.3 Look at the department store plan in B. Which floor will you go to if you want to buy: 1 an armchair? 2 lipstick? 3 a cup of tea? 4 a packet of tea? 5 a skirt? 6 some tennis balls? 7 a pair of boots? 8 some baby clothes? 9 a tie? 10 a TV? 11 pens? 12 a doll? 51.4 Write the words for these definitions. 1 a person who sells things in shop asistant 2 money not a cheque or credit card 3 a person who cuts hair 4 'plastic money S a floor lower than the ground floor Now write definitions in English for: 6 a £5 note 7 the first floor 9 a cash desk 8 a receipt ​

51.1 Match the item with the shop. toy shop butcher's baker's gift shop chemist's newsagent's 5. 1 a

amina327 amina327    2   01.12.2020 20:03    296

Scelet911 Scelet911  21.12.2023 12:15
51.1 Match the item with the shop:

- toy shop - beach ball
- butcher's - sausages
- baker's - bread
- gift shop - souvenir T-shirt
- chemist's - aspirin
- newsagent's - postcards

Explanation: To match the items with the appropriate shop, we need to know what each shop sells. A toy shop sells toys, so a beach ball goes with the toy shop. A butcher's sells meat, so sausages belong there. A baker's sells baked goods like bread, hence the match. A gift shop sells souvenirs, such as a souvenir T-shirt. A chemist's is a store that sells medicine, so aspirin is the correct match. A newsagent's is a shop that sells newspapers and magazines, so postcards are sold there.

51.2 Where do you need to go?

1) I want to get a newspaper. - The newsagent's.
2) Your hair is too long. - A hairdresser's.
3) I need some stamps. - The post office.
4) We must get Jim a present. - The gift shop.
5) I'd like to buy a book. - A bookstore.
6) I want to buy everything in one shop. - A department store.

Explanation: Based on the different needs mentioned, I have provided the appropriate places where one could go to fulfill those needs.

51.3 Look at the department store plan in B. Which floor will you go to if you want to buy:

1) an armchair? - Furniture floor.
2) lipstick? - Cosmetics floor.
3) a cup of tea? - Restaurant/cafe floor.
4) a packet of tea? - Grocery floor.
5) a skirt? - Clothing floor.
6) some tennis balls? - Sports floor.
7) a pair of boots? - Footwear floor.
8) some baby clothes? - Children's clothing floor.
9) a tie? - Men's clothing floor.
10) a TV? - Electronics floor.
11) pens? - Stationery floor.
12) a doll? - Toys floor.

Explanation: Each floor in the department store is dedicated to a specific type of product or category. Based on the items mentioned, each item falls into a specific category, and the floor that corresponds to that category is listed.

51.4 Write the words for these definitions:

1) a person who sells things in a shop - shop assistant
2) money not a cheque or credit card - cash
3) a person who cuts hair - hairdresser
4) 'plastic money' - credit/debit card
5) a floor lower than the ground floor - basement

Now write definitions in English for:

6) a £5 note - A £5 note is a piece of paper currency in the United Kingdom that represents the value of five pounds. It can be used as a form of payment and has a specific design and denomination.

7) the first floor - The first floor refers to the level above the ground floor in a building. It is the floor immediately above the ground floor and is typically accessed by stairs or elevators.

8) a cash desk - A cash desk is a designated area or counter in a store or establishment where transactions involving cash payments are made. It is usually manned by a cashier or shop assistant.

Explanation: The definitions provide clear explanations of the terms and concepts mentioned in the question, allowing for a better understanding of the meanings.
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