50 .: read and answer the questions using the present continuous and present indefinite: 1. do you go to school? 2. are you going to the blackboard? 3. who is sitting on your right? 4. who is teaching you? 5. who teaches you russian? 6. what do you do at english lessons? 7. what are you doing? 8. what do schoolchildren do during the break?

inatalia3007 inatalia3007    3   19.09.2019 07:20    0

nicishcina nicishcina  08.10.2020 01:43
Прочитайте и ответьте на вопросы используя Настоящее Длительное и Настоящее неопределенное время.
1)Ходишь ли ты в школу?Yes,I go to school every day.
2) Yes,I going to the blackboard
4)I haven't teacher at the moment
5)Ooo,it's a lot of old and cleaver teacher. ..
6)Of course,I learn English language
7)Now I doing my home work
8)I don't know,it's doesn't interesting for me...But,I think,that they nothink to do
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