50 ! put the verb in brackets into the present perfect tense or the past simple tense interviewer: today i'm talking to tim crage, the british film director. tell me, tim, how long (1)have you been( be) a film director? tim: well, () film-making at university in the 1980s, and i () as a director for over 20 years now. interviewer: what() the first you()? tim: a prisoner's life in 1988, but i() the only copy a year later, so nobody() it since then! my first succesful film() always, which ( come out) in 1992. interviewer: and how many countries ( )? () films outside britain? tim: i (12) not work) in many countries-jnly britain, germany, and italy. last month i () to berlin and ( spend) two weeks filming there. interviewer: when () to italy? tim: in 2004. i (16) ) to make a tv documentary called north and south, about regional differences in europen, and i() all the way from the alps to sicily. interviewer: what are the best things about your job& tim: the travel and the people. i () all over the world, going to film festivals and so on. and i ()some great people. interviewer: () any new projects recently? tim: yes, last week i ( sign ) a contract for a new film set in china. interviewer well, thank you, tim - it ( be) very interesting talking to you.

aninagalamova aninagalamova    1   20.06.2019 10:20    32

Vad1mi4 Vad1mi4  16.07.2020 11:06
2)studied 3)have been working 4) was 5) had made 6) lost 7) had seen 8) was 9) came out
10) have visited 11) did make 12) haven't worked 13) flew 14)spent 15)did go 16)wanted 17)have driven 18) have travelled/travel 19) have met 20) did start 21)signed 22) has been/is
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