50 . перевести текст. парикмахерское искусство развивалось вместе с человечеством. искусство создания прекрасного из волос ценилось еще в глубокой древности. начиная со времен египетских цариц и по сей день парикмахеры целые произведения искусства на головах женщин и мужчин тоже. придя к мастеру парикмахерского искусства лаже с волосами в плачевном состоянии, вы выйдете от него с шедевром на голове. вспомните древние века, когла парикмахер мог соорудитьсбашню, корабль или другие фигуры из волос. сейчас статус парикмахера не утратил былой значимости. так же как и многие века назад, приходя к мастеру, вы знаете, что уйдете совершенно обновленным, красивым и счастливым.

BelkaNext BelkaNext    2   23.09.2019 05:30    5

arinaaverichev arinaaverichev  08.10.2020 11:37
Hairdressing developed with humanity. The art of creating beauty from hair was appreciated back in antiquity.
Since the time of Egyptian queens and to this day, hairdressers create whole works of art on the heads of women and men, too.
Having come to the master of hairdressing art with a hair in a deplorable state, you will leave from it with a masterpiece on your head. Remember the ancient ages, when the barber could build a tower, ship or other figures of hair.
Now the status of the hairdresser has not lost its former importance. As well as many centuries ago, when you come to a master, you know that you will leave completely renovated, beautiful and happy.
ывцым ывцым  08.10.2020 11:37
Hairdressing has been developed with the mankind. This art of the creation of the beauty with hair has been valued since acient times.
Starting with the times of Egyptian Queens and to this very day barbers create the works of art on women's heads and men's heads as well. 
If you come to a master of hairdressing with hair that is even in poor condition, you'll leave him with a "masterpiece" on your head. Remember acient times, when a barber could "build" a tower, a ship or other shapes with hair. 
These days the status of a barber hasn't lost its former importance. As well as many centuries ago, if you come to a master, you know that you'll leave him being the completely new man, beautiful and happy. 
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