50 ! нужно придумать мини-сочинение про первый день в новой школе. нужно описать дорогу туда, учеников, учителей, правила, столовую, комнаты (на языке)

skladnova03 skladnova03    2   29.09.2019 03:10    1

Андрей11583 Андрей11583  09.10.2020 01:52
It is my first day in this school. This school is near my house, so I can go there without any problems. On the way to school I can meet my neighbor's dog. His name is Dodik. He is very cute. I like a canteen in this school. It is beautiful, all tables and chairs set neatly. There are many bright colours: red and light green chairs, yellow walls. Also the meal is pretty good. Classes in this school are big. Like other schools, this one also has rules like don't run, don't do anything, if the teacher didn't give you rights for doing it, but this school has one especial rule, that others don't have. It is to be happy. Initially I was worried about what will other people think, how teachers will react to my answers, but my classmates supported me and now I don't care about that, I am happy. This day was amazing, I had a lot of feelings and I like this school very very much.
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