№5. заполните пропуски артиклями, где это необходимо. переведите текст а. we are at english wedding. bride , groom, guests and relatives are standing outside house. bride is wearing long white dress and is having some blue flowers in her left hand. groom is wearing traditional morning suit and is having top hat in right hand. they are all smiling, because they are very happy. in few minutes they are going to get rolls-royce and drive restaurant for celebration.

Victoriya1234567890 Victoriya1234567890    3   19.06.2019 23:50    7

nn814921 nn814921  16.07.2020 01:29
We are at an English wedding. The bride, groom, guests and relatives are standing outside the house. The bride is wearing a long white dress and is having some blue flowers in her left hand. The groom is wearing a traditional morning suit and is having a top hat in right hand. They are all smiling, because they are very happy. In a few minutes they are going to get into the Rolls-Royce and drive to the restaurant for celebration.
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