5 Write sentences using the past perfect
affirmative (V) and negative (X).
By the age of 30, Captain James Cook had visited
many exotic places, but he (be) to Australia. X
By the age of 30, Captain James Cook had visited
many exotic places, but he hadn't been to Australia.
1 The Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama
(see) penguins before he travelled to South
Africa in 1497. X
2 After he (make) a pilgrimage to the city
of Mecca in 1325, Ibn Battuta decided to
become an explorer. ✓
3 Many explorers (try) to climb Mount Everest
before Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary
reached the peak in 1953. ✓
4 People in Europe (not eat) potatoes until
Christopher Columbus brought some from
America. X
5 More than 400 years after Magellan (saille de
around the world, the US submarine Triton
made a similar journey underwater. ✓​

ponaomarevp0btlh ponaomarevp0btlh    1   24.02.2021 08:34    2

Сэээээ Сэээээ  26.03.2021 08:35

1 The Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama  hadn't seen penguins before he travelled to South  Africa in 1497. X

2 After he had made a pilgrimage to the city  of Mecca in 1325, Ibn Battuta decided to  become an explorer. ✓

3 Many explorers had tried to climb Mount Everest  before Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary  reached the peak in 1953. ✓

4 People in Europe hadn't eaten potatoes until  Christopher Columbus brought some from  America. X

5 More than 400 years after Magellan had sailed   around the world, the US submarine Triton  made a similar journey underwater. ✓​

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