5 Work in pairs. Complete and act the dialogue out. A: Good afternoon. Can I help you? B: Hello. I'd like to buy A: What kind? flan B: I'm looking for ... leathe A: Do you like this one? casual B: What is/are ... made of? A: It's/They're made of ... . B: OK ... Where is it made? A: It's made in ... . What size do you take? B: I take a size ... B A: Would you like to try it on? The fitting room is over there. B: How does it fit? A:

ujiuyh ujiuyh    3   09.12.2021 14:58    4

ROMA706 ROMA706  28.01.2022 08:01

A: Good afternoon. Can I help you?

B: Hello. I'd like to buy shoes

A: What kind of?  flan - не понятно что за слово

B: I'm looking for boots

A: Do you like this one?

B: What is made of?

A: it`s made of leather

B: OK ... Where is it made?

A: It's made in Germany.

В : What size shoes do you take?

A: I usually buy the 1.5- litre size.

B Would you like to try it on? The fitting room is over there.

A: How does it fit?

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