5. в условных предложениях поставьте глаголы в нужной форме. 1. i (to come) and see you off if i not (live) so far away. 2. if you (to stay) here a little longer you (to see) the boss. 3. we not (to go) out unless it (to stop) raining. 4. the man (to be killed) if the train not (to stop) quickly. 5. the manager said the company (to suffer) losses last month if the stand-attendant not (to work) efficiently.

kira260606 kira260606    1   23.08.2019 08:30    1

ирт3 ирт3  05.10.2020 14:17
1. I'll come and see you off if I don't live so far away.
2. If you stay here a little longer you'll see the boss.
3. We won't go out unless it stops raining.
4. The man will be killed if the train doesn't stop quickly.
5. The manager said the company would suffer losses last month if the stand-attendant didn't work efficiently.
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