5. The University is not far … (от) house. Both are … the Neva Embankment. 6. Our TV set is … a special little table … the wardrobe … the right… the window. 7. There is no room (места) … (между) the sofa and the bookcase … the armchair. 8. There are no engineers … my friends. 9. A portrait of Pushkin is hanging … the writing-desk.

sydykovadiana sydykovadiana    1   24.04.2021 15:57    24

magicufoshowp08hm1 magicufoshowp08hm1  11.01.2024 19:26
5. The University is not far from the house. Both are on the Neva Embankment.

Explanation: The sentence is talking about the location of the University in relation to the house. It states that the University is not far, indicating that it is close, or a short distance away from the house. It further clarifies that both the University and the house are on the Neva Embankment, suggesting that they are situated along the same street or area.


To form the sentence correctly, we need to use the preposition "from" after "far" to indicate the distance between the University and the house. Additionally, we need to include the word "on" to show that both are located on the Neva Embankment.

Corrected sentence: The University is not far from the house. Both are on the Neva Embankment.

6. Our TV set is on a special little table in the wardrobe on the right of the window.

Explanation: This sentence describes the location of the TV set in relation to other objects in a room. It states that the TV set is situated on a special little table, which is placed inside a wardrobe. The wardrobe itself is positioned on the right side of the window.


To form the sentence correctly, we need to use the preposition "on" to indicate the location of the TV set on the table and inside the wardrobe. Additionally, we need to specify the position of the wardrobe by using the preposition "on" in relation to the right side of the window.

Corrected sentence: Our TV set is on a special little table in the wardrobe on the right of the window.

7. There is no room between the sofa and the bookcase near the armchair.

Explanation: This sentence talks about the absence of space or vacant area between certain objects in a room. It states that there is no room between the sofa and the bookcase, indicating that these items are positioned close to each other. It further specifies that the armchair is situated nearby, possibly suggesting its proximity to the sofa and bookcase.


To form the sentence correctly, we need to use the preposition "between" to indicate the lack of space between the sofa and the bookcase. Additionally, we need to use the preposition "near" to show the relative position of the armchair in relation to the other objects.

Corrected sentence: There is no room between the sofa and the bookcase near the armchair.

8. There are no engineers among my friends.

Explanation: This sentence states that there are no engineers in the group of people referred to as "my friends." It indicates that none of the individuals within that particular social circle possess the profession of an engineer.


The sentence is already correct as it is. There is no need for any changes or corrections.

9. A portrait of Pushkin is hanging above the writing-desk.

Explanation: This sentence describes the position of a portrait in relation to a specific object in a room. It states that a portrait of Pushkin is suspended or affixed in such a way that it is positioned above the writing-desk.


To form the sentence correctly, we need to use the preposition "above" to indicate the vertical positioning of the portrait in relation to the writing-desk.

Corrected sentence: A portrait of Pushkin is hanging above the writing-desk.
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