5. раскройте скобки, поставьте глаголы в нужной временной форме. 1. i (see) a very good film last week. …you (see) it yet? 2. alice (not, go) to work by bus, she lives near her office. 3. what you (do) when your mother called you? 4. as soon as i (hear) the results, i’ll let you know. 5. when i arrived, the party (finish) . 6. he (study) russian for two years but he (not, learn) even the alphabet yet. 6. поставьте предложения в страдательный залог и переведите их. 1. don’t worry. i’ll look after your houseplants while you are away. 2. they hoped their relations would take good care of the kids. 3. the policeman showed us the way to the tower. 4. they may easily fool you. 5. ben offered the fellow a cup of tea. 7. поставьте прилагательные/наречия в нужной по смыслу форме. 1. which is (long) day of the year? 2. this method is (efficient) than the common one. 3. he plays tennis (bad) than she. 4. she had to give us (far) information though she didn’t want to. 5. the (much) you read the (little) you forget.

Минька1 Минька1    3   09.06.2019 05:20    1

kosmoz2005 kosmoz2005  08.07.2020 01:55
5. Раскройте скобки, поставьте глаголы в нужной временной форме.
1.   I saw a very good film last week. Did you see it yet?
2.   Alice doesn't to work by bus, she lives near her office.
3.   What were you doing when your mother called you?
4.   As soon as I hear the results, I’ll let you know.
5.   When I arrived, the party had finished.
6.   He has been studying Russian for two years but he hasn't learnt even the alphabet yet.  

6. Поставьте предложения в страдательный залог и переведите их.
1.   Don’t worry. Your houseplants will be looked after by me while you are away.
2.   They hoped that good care of the kids would be taken by their relatives.
3.   The way to the Tower was showed us by the policeman.
4.   You may be easily fooled (by them).
5.   A cup of tea was offered by Ben to his fellow.  

(7) 1. Which is the longest day of the year?
2. This method is more efficient) than the common one.
3. He plays tennis worse than she.
4. She had to give us further information though she didn’t want to.
5. The more you read the less you forget.
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