5. Prove that: 1) Linda thought only about herself during the rainstorm; 2) the people could do nothing to save the cows and their 3) the dog was frightened; 4) it was cold in the room during the rainstorm; 5) the rainstorm didn't last long but brought a lot of problems. Early one spring Saturday. it began to

rain so hard that I thought the sky would fall down. It rained all that day and night There was a lot of water on the ronds. I thought it was great I jumped up and down "I hope it rains forever I shouted to Mum. "I hope I won't have to go to school on Monday and have a math test." Mum looked furious "What a foolish thing to say Rain can be a disaster [diza:sto]," she said.

Mum turned on the radio to listen to the daily weather forecast. At 10 o'clock our local weathermen spoke about weather and barometer changes. Their report couldn't make Mum calm. They promised a rainstorm. But I was happy

After breakfast on Sunday I put on my raincoat and boots and went to the river The wind and rain tore at my clothes and hurt my face I had never seen anything so won derful. Instead of our quiet narrow river there was a roaring I'raninl yellow lion run ning away down the valley I'væli. Though it was nearly afternoon it was misty and you. could hardly see because of the rain. On my way back from the river I sawDad and our dog Don driving the cows up to the house "Come on." Dad shouted to me. "See if you can help the young ones."

I ran over to Dad I came up to my pet cow Isobel l'izaball and her new calf (ka:f] Isobel looked at me. She mooed Imu:d] sadly I felt really important helping Dad. "We are going to have a disaster." I whispered to myself "There'll be no math test tomorrow because of the disaster "

After tea, it rained harder than ever The wind howled [hauld] around the house, and in the distance we could hear the roar of the river Don howled so loudly at the kitchen door that we had to let him inside I went to bed early and hid myself under the blankets ['blenkits] I felt warm and safe "Please, God. let's have a real rainstorm." I prayed [preid]

In the morning I woke up and looked through the window. It was still raining, and there was yellow water down in the valley Our farm had changed into another world I understood no school today! I jumped intomy clothes and ran out to the dining room. Mum! Dad" I shouted 'Come and look at all the water" Then I stopped.

The dining room was full of animals and birds. some of pigs were by the fireplace There were a lot of chickens on the sofa. Mum came into the room with some turkeys. "There are still some left in the basket I'baskit] outside." she called to me She looked as if she hadn't been to bed "Get them in for me, will you?" my mother said Dad came from behind the house. He was
half pulling and half carrying a wet sheep. He pulled it to the veranda [varendal and tied it to the door I ran outside. Our house was sitting on an island. I could see the water dancing around the legs of Isobel's new calf Then I heard a sad "moo" and the calf was gone. The hungry yellow river had swallowed it I could hear Isobel's mooing, then she was swallowed by the hungry river too. The yellow river was a hungry lion It had swallowed many cows and calves, and now it was going to swallow us all.

Mum came back from outside She smiled at me, but I could see she was frightened I'fraitnd. We went inside and Mum made hot drinks It took her a long time because everything was so wet. Mum put an arm around Dad and me "Drink up." she said "It may not be as bad as it looks. The water will go down soon and we might be able to save some of the cows."

But the water didn't go down Within [widin] an hour the hungry yellow lion was starting to come into the house And because we couldn't do anything else. we got onto the table with some blankets and sat there trem bling watching the yellow water Dad gave me a hug "We're certainly having an adventure ladventfal." he said "It's a disaster. isn't it. Dad?" I asked He nodded. Suddenly he held up his hand "Hush"" he said "Listen! It's Ted Jackson in his motorboat I'moutabaut!" he cried He opened the window and waved I had never been so glad to see old Ted Jackson in my life.

Nobody talked much We got into the boat and made our way through the yellow water to Ted's house on high ground at the other side of the valley

The next day the water went down, we went back to the farm We saved most of the birds and animals from the house, but all the cows were gone. Dad had to borrow money from the bank, and we were hard for a long time As for me, I couldn't believe that I was the girl, who had asked God for a rain storm and disaster

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IlyaPikarychev IlyaPikarychev  14.02.2022 06:01

1) Linda thought only about herself during the rainstorm;

"I hope it rains forever -" Linda shouted to Mum. "I hope I won't have to go to school on Monday and have a math test." Their report couldn't make Mum calm. They promised a rainstorm. But Linda was happy

2) the people could do nothing to save the cows

because there are no places where cows could be hidden during the storm

3) the dog was frightened;

@ Don howled so loudly at the kitchen door that we had to let him [email protected]

4) it was cold in the room during the rainstorm;

@I went to bed early and hid myself under the blankets ['blenkits] I felt [email protected]

@We went inside and Mum made hot drinks It took her a long time because everything was so [email protected]

5) the rainstorm didn't last long but brought a lot of problems.

@The next day the water went down, we went back to the farm We saved most of the birds and animals from the house, but all the cows were [email protected]


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