5 предложений по теме "where do you live?" с конструкцией there is/isn`t or there are/aren`t со словами: living room, kitchen, bathroom, study, bedroom, hall/ dining room, garden; sofa, table, chair, cooker, desk, bed, toilet, bath, lamp, computer, wardrobe, fridge;
местоимения: some/ any much/ many/ a lot of
артикль: a/ an

PapayaS PapayaS    3   05.12.2020 12:11    2

pomogi12321 pomogi12321  12.02.2021 19:35

1 There are two beautiful armchairs and a big wooden bed in our bedroom.

2 There are two Italian lamps and a green sofa in our living-room.

3 There aren't any chairs in our bathroom.

4 There is an expensive computer in my study. в моем кабинете

5 There is a new cooker in our kitchen.

6 There are many plates, cups, spoons and forks in our kitchen.

7 There isn't much furniture in the hall.

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