5 предложений на ness и ing нужно быть существительное вместо глагола
V+ing - noun
нужно составить предложение а не слово)

петлю петлю    1   29.07.2021 20:47    0

KoTBPoccuu KoTBPoccuu  28.08.2021 22:49

1. You have to improve your spelling.

2. Smoking is forbidden for kids.

3. A lot of reading is important at school.

4. I am interested in drawing.

5. Dancing is a form of expression of people's emotions.

1. Your meat is juicy with no hint of dryness.

2. He was full of happiness.

3. Make sure you thank her for her kindness.

4. Technology has a large factor on the children's activeness.

5. This situation caused them to feel bitterness.


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