5 look at the photos and compare the places. use the comparative form of adjectives from the box, or your own ideas. beautiful busy cold exciting hot interesting​

5 look at the photos and compare the places. use the comparative form of adjectives from the box, or

j5022778 j5022778    1   02.02.2021 18:40    79

refoinda refoinda  22.01.2024 14:34
На фотографиях изображены два разных места - пляж и городская площадь. Давайте сравним эти места, используя сравнительную форму прилагательных из блока или свои собственные идеи.

1. The beach is more beautiful than the city square. We can see the clear blue water, white sandy beach, and palm trees in the background. The city square, on the other hand, has buildings and people. The natural beauty of the beach makes it more attractive than the city square.

2. The city square is busier than the beach. In the photo, we can see many people walking and shopping. On the beach, there are fewer people, and it looks more peaceful and quiet. The city square is a hub of activity, with shops, cafes, and bustling pedestrians, making it a busier place.

3. The beach is hotter than the city square. We can see that the sun is shining brightly, and there are no shadows on the sand. The city square, although sunny, has some shade from the buildings. The beach is a perfect place to enjoy the sun and get a tan, making it hotter than the city square.

4. The city square is more interesting than the beach. There are many things happening in the photo - street performers, markets, and people interacting. On the other hand, the beach seems more relaxed and laid-back. The city square offers a lot of opportunities for entertainment and exploration, making it more interesting than the beach.

5. The city square is colder than the beach. Although we can't see any snow or frost in the photo, we can tell that the city square has a colder atmosphere. The cityscape, with its concrete buildings and lack of vegetation, gives a colder impression compared to the warm and inviting beach.

I hope this comparison between the beach and the city square helps you understand the comparative form of adjectives and how it can be used to describe different places. Remember, it's important to consider the context and specific features of each place when making comparisons.
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