5 класс
Test 5
I. Choose the correct item.
1. He likes travelling ... foot.
a) on b) by c) in
2. Sue likes to ... about ancient culture.
a) know b) learn c) see
3.1 think white water... is exciting.
a) rafting b) diving c) sailing
4. ... is hard work. It’s very tiring.
a) Sunbathing b) Fishing c) Hiking
5. Tom is going to see a dentist for his
a) toothache b) headache c) stomachache
6. You can ... a bike for two days.
a) buy b) sign c) rent
7. When you camp in the mountain, make sure you know about the ... that live there!
a) plants b) wild animals c) friends
8. ... don’t you come canoeing with me?
a) Who b) Why c) Where
II. Fill in the gaps with can or can’t.
1. You have some free time now. You ... do the shopping.
2. People ... use their cameras in the museum.
3. She ... take a taxi. It’s cheap.
4. We ... stay here longer. It’s too late.
III. Choose the correct word.
1. Don’t stay in the sun for a long time or you will/are get a sunburn.
2. — I think Mum will be late for work. - No, she will/won’t.
3. I will/won’t go to the cinema. I have to do my homework.
4. — Will you help Grandma, please? — Of course, I won’t/will.
IV. Fill in the gaps with some, any, much or many.
1. How ... milk have we got?
2. There are ... eggs in the fridge.
3. Is there ... olive oil in the cupboard?
4. How ... tomatoes do you need

abcdefgh abcdefgh    2   12.05.2020 11:04    378

akkusha1 akkusha1  25.01.2024 05:59
I. Choose the correct item.

1. He likes travelling ... foot.
a) on b) by c) in

Correct answer: b) by

Explanation: When we talk about traveling from one place to another on foot, we use the phrase "by foot."

2. Sue likes to ... about ancient culture.
a) know b) learn c) see

Correct answer: b) learn

Explanation: To acquire knowledge or information about something, we use the verb "learn."

3. I think white water... is exciting.
a) rafting b) diving c) sailing

Correct answer: a) rafting

Explanation: White water rafting is the activity of navigating a river on a raft through rapid and turbulent sections of water.

4. ... is hard work. It’s very tiring.
a) Sunbathing b) Fishing c) Hiking

Correct answer: c) Hiking

Explanation: Hiking involves walking in natural environments, often on trails or paths, which can be physically demanding.

5. Tom is going to see a dentist for his
a) toothache b) headache c) stomachache

Correct answer: a) toothache

Explanation: Toothache refers to pain in the teeth or their supporting structures, and a dentist is the appropriate medical professional to visit for dental problems.

6. You can ... a bike for two days.
a) buy b) sign c) rent

Correct answer: c) rent

Explanation: To temporarily use something in exchange for payment, we use the verb "rent." In this case, one can rent a bike for the specified duration.

7. When you camp in the mountain, make sure you know about the ... that live there!
a) plants b) wild animals c) friends

Correct answer: b) wild animals

Explanation: When camping in the mountains, it is essential to have knowledge about the wild animals that live in that area for safety reasons.

8. ... don’t you come canoeing with me?
a) Who b) Why c) Where

Correct answer: b) Why

Explanation: The speaker is asking for the reason or motive behind the listener's decision not to join them for canoeing.

II. Fill in the gaps with can or can’t.

1. You have some free time now. You ... do the shopping.

Correct answer: can

Explanation: "Can" is used to express ability or permission. In this context, it implies that the person has the ability or permission to do the shopping.

2. People ... use their cameras in the museum.

Correct answer: can't

Explanation: "Can't" is the contraction of "cannot" and is used to express inability or prohibition. In this case, it means that people are not allowed to use their cameras in the museum.

3. She ... take a taxi. It’s cheap.

Correct answer: can

Explanation: "Can" is used to express ability or permission. In this context, it implies that she has the ability or permission to take a taxi because it is cheap.

4. We ... stay here longer. It’s too late.

Correct answer: can't

Explanation: "Can't" is the contraction of "cannot" and is used to express inability or prohibition. In this case, it means that we are not able to stay here longer because it is too late.

III. Choose the correct word.

1. Don’t stay in the sun for a long time or you will/are get a sunburn.

Correct answer: will

Explanation: "Will" is used to express future actions or predictions. In this context, it indicates that staying in the sun for a long time will result in a sunburn.

2. — I think Mum will be late for work. - No, she will/won’t.

Correct answer: won't

Explanation: "Won't" is the contraction of "will not" and is used to express negation or refusal. In this case, it means that the mother will not be late for work.

3. I will/won’t go to the cinema. I have to do my homework.

Correct answer: won't

Explanation: "Won't" is the contraction of "will not" and is used to express negation or refusal. In this case, it means that the speaker will not go to the cinema because they have to do their homework.

4. — Will you help Grandma, please? — Of course, I won’t/will.

Correct answer: will

Explanation: "Will" is used to express future actions or predictions. In this context, it indicates that the speaker will help Grandma.

IV. Fill in the gaps with some, any, much, or many.

1. How ... milk have we got?

Correct answer: much

Explanation: "Much" is used before uncountable nouns to express quantity. Milk is an uncountable noun, so "much" is the correct word to use in this context.

2. There are ... eggs in the fridge.

Correct answer: some

Explanation: "Some" is used before plural countable nouns to indicate an unspecified number or quantity. In this case, it implies that there are some eggs in the fridge, without specifying the exact number.

3. Is there ... olive oil in the cupboard?

Correct answer: any

Explanation: "Any" is used in questions and negative sentences when referring to an unknown or unspecified number or quantity. In this case, it is asking if there is any olive oil in the cupboard.

4. How ... tomatoes do you need?

Correct answer: many

Explanation: "Many" is used before plural countable nouns to express quantity. In this case, it is inquiring about the number of tomatoes needed.
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