5 How
correct answers.
1 What type of text is it?
a a supermarket website
b an educational leaflet
c a protest group handout
2 The author wrote the text to ...
a invite. b advertise. c complain.
3 Why do freegans eat food from bins?
a Because they're hungry.
b To show that it's safe to eat it.
c To protest against food waste.
4 How much food never gets to the shops?
a Forty per cent of all food in the world.
b Six million tonnes of food.
c One third of food supplies.
5 Which protest action does the text not suggest?
a A supermarket boycott. b A petition.
CA public protest.
6 The text encourages people to ...
a support freegans.
b stop buying yoghurt.
c give food to the poor.
It is W
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kirirllermakov kirirllermakov    3   06.04.2020 08:57    0

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