5 hide-and-seek
blind man's buff
2 Read and complete.
1 A: What do you usually do on Sundays?
B: I usually play n ide-and-se e k with my friends.
2 A: My favourite game is b
B: Mine too!
with my friends.
3 A: I sometimes play h
B: Me too!
A: What are you doing?
B: We're playing t
Cover this page after page 5 of the P​

пупс110 пупс110    3   03.09.2020 20:42    2

Sashenka585888 Sashenka585888  15.10.2020 17:07

1 A: What do you usually do on Sundays?

B: I usually play hide-and-sеek with my friends.

2 A: My favourite game is blind man's buff.

B: Mine too!

3 A: I sometimes play hopscotch with my friends.

B: Me too!

4 A: What are you doing?

B: We're playing tag.

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